As a diploma conservator, I am specialized in preserving and conserving 20th century Art and Mixed Media Objects made from plastics, metals, glass, ceramics, wood and paper materials, as I am also interested in their making, and ways of storing and presenting, to communicate with the public, as well as to enhance the conservation knowledge with colleagues of the various professions, such as scientists, curators, designers, artists and manufacturers.

Past Greetings from L.A.
Past Greetings from L.A.

Till March 2013, I was employed at The Getty Research Institute (GRI), where I was happy to work on objects from the broad Special Collections, including the Jean Brown Collection, the Architecture and Design Collection and the Editions for PARKETT, and to cooperate with The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) on identifying plastic materials in the GRI  collections.

© Juliane Wattig, 2022